Credit where credit is due.

Damm, I should post more often huh. Note to self: get with the program, buddy. 

But this email I just got inspired me to write. If you're going be that guy to trash someone in public, even if it ain't personal and just academic, then you have to give credit where credit is due. This post by Jason Calacanis is one of the most insightful and forward thinking things I have ever read on the subject of online interaction, and its effects of interpersonal and hyper-non-personal relationships. Just read it. 

I remember coming across something that reminded me of the Milgram Experiment last year and thinking that the internet was like a giant accelerant to the basic human condition laid bare by that study. But Jason's taken a vague concept rattling around and crystallized it and made it compelling, personal, and persuasive — and I suspect may have just kicked off a discussion we'll be hearing more and more about in the near future. 

Quality economics advice? Well we've been over that already. But when it comes to online communities, Jason has to be considered perhaps the most intuitive and insighful expert out there — if this is any indication. 

I'll be mulling it over for awhile.  

2 thoughts on “Credit where credit is due.”

  1. Die Bundesregierung Source tatsächlich ausgeführt von Alternativen zu verwenden, um alle Wölben ökonomischen Systems und reduziert die Arbeitslosigkeit zu verbessern. So Politiker sollen bis 60 Jahren wieder zu erlangen, seine Textbuch für seine Zukunft zu verlagern., [url= Online[/url] , Viele Ökonomen erwarten, dass Fed, um eine Vorstellung Anspruch Mittwoch bis über das Kapital geworfen werden um ihn herum $ 1 ist. 8 Billionen Profil von kurzfristigen Wertpapieren und auch direkt in längerfristige Beteiligungen. , [url= stiefel[/url] kann dieses Programm möglicherweise geringeren Treasury bringt zusätzliche. Auf lange Sicht könnte es Gebühren im Zusammenhang mit Wohn-als auch andere Käufer und Organisation Darlehen, viel zu vermindern.

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