My Huffington Post Essay On Financial Reform & The Green Economy…

…is live. Wander on over for a (hopefully) interesting read titled "Nicholas Baily: Financial Reform? Sure. Kill America's Future Green Economy? No thanks." 

Here's a preview:

In the State Of The Union address, President Obama outlined a plan for economic growth, with green jobs as a cornerstone. Saying "the nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the nation that leads the global economy" the president directly mentioned jobs in clean energy and technology no less than six times. And his vision was clear.

In his own words: "We should start where most new jobs do — in small businesses, companies that begin when an entrepreneur takes a chance on a dream, or a worker decides it's time she became her own boss. Through sheer grit and determination, these companies have weathered the recession and they're ready to grow."

The rest at The Huffington Post

7 thoughts on “My Huffington Post Essay On Financial Reform & The Green Economy…”

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